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Ethernet17/1 - ++ Available Port to NIX Rack 1.2 37,38 O/BTC13/1.7 31,32 ++
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Ethernet17/10 - ++ Available Port NIX Rack 1.3 43,44 to O/BTC13/2.5 47,48 ++
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Ethernet17/13 - |query_ifAlias|
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Ethernet17/14 - (WDX121325) SERVENET 1 Gbps (AS45413) (IDC FL.14)
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Ethernet17/2 - (3120000041) DGA 1 Gbps (AS9835) (DWDM METRONET) (L2) [61.19.60.
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Ethernet17/27 - ++ Available Port NIX Rack 1.2 1,2 to O/BTC13/4.2 41,42 ++
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Ethernet17/28 - ++ Available Port NIX Rack 1.2 3,4 to O/BTC13/4.2 43,44 ++
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Ethernet17/29 - wait for terminate (WDX038703) KSC 1 Gbps (AS7693) (L2 Po1110) (
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Ethernet17/30 - wait for terminate (WDX038705) KSC 1 Gbps (AS7693) (L2 Po1110) (
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Ethernet17/5 - |query_ifAlias|
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